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J.C. Whitney

The 1959 J.C. Whitney catalog (actually the Warshawsky & Co. catalog; the JCW name came a bit later) that fell into my hands recently is just a gold mine of interesting automotive stuff, from its vast hot-rod intake-manifold selection to its conversion kits to give 1957 Chevrolets quad headlights. The pages of strange novelty items may be even better, as demonstrated with the pair of skull-shaped car decorations: Chattering Charlie and Lockjaw Looey.

The former seems to be designed to hang from the rear-view mirror, with jiggling jaw livening up any drive; the latter appears to be the same skull with a suction-cup mount and sufficient jaw tension to hold a cigarette or a pencil. Just the thing to spruce up your worn-out '38 Hupmobile, we say!