Since 1963, the worst year for car sales in the United States was 1982, thanks to the combination of a cruel recession, stagflation, highly publicized build-quality problems, and a general sense of industry malaise. Yes, plenty of auto-industry execs were jumping out the windows that year (not really), but not the ones who worked for Saab! As this centerfold magazine ad brags, 1982 had been Saab's all-time best sales year in the USA up to that point.

1983 saab 900 magazine advertisement

Why was that so? Eighteen paragraphs of tiny print explains everything for the potential '83 Saab 900 buyer, from the ignition switch's location in the center console to Saab's love of frantic turbocharged engines driving the front wheels, while even taking a jab at BMW. And remember to move fast if you want a new 900, because "Saab dealers actually had to turn away potential customers last year because there just weren't enough Saabs to go around."